norskian+anathium — similar artists: waldstille, kampen, wintercult, akrethion, norskian anathium, lidelse, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, hajotos, zwiespalt, sapientia diaboli, kade storm, grotesque shades, d'un autre temps, einsamtod, kádmos, buer's rugiet, bál, psionic madness, fortress of the olden days, skorbvstr, goddamn gringos, fog nights mysteries, mysterious castle, windark, ritual spell, astral evocation, winter willow, stikkersvin, blood sorcery, zakaz, apex terror, wampyric bloodlust, ethereal moon, out of the mouth of graves, melankoli, nostalgic darkness, omhosten, world serpent, trauer, merkithaasikha, freitod zeremonie, misanthropik torment, metalström, honeybunches of death, qliphothic realm, december screams embers, autoagresija, virus of koch, unjoy, narthex, wintourn, abhorrot, ossuary twilight, phantom gorgo, anorion, ascend towards the moon, anguana,