new+standard+elite — similar artists: new standard elite, voracity, impulsive gluttony, crud, gaktungar, dark east productions, decomposition of humanity, godcider, svart runar, Egregious, cult of vampyrism, shuja, gurglectomy, black tar riderzz, orgiastic rebirth, slaves of suffering, vermingod, sentenced to dissection, diphenylchloroarsine, guttural secrete, pathologically explicit, lacerated enemy records, incestuous impregnation, gaped, konkeror, lebensabend, unbreakable hatred, infertile surrogacy, necrambulant, hypnoticdirgerecords, asmodey, total despair, sarcolytic, embodiment of suffering, godhater, baalsebub, goatvermin, epileptic shit, lethality, corpseflesh, yolwolf, cult of the horns, svarte septika, psychosis 4.48, book of sorrow, anksunamoon (russia), esphares (france), nohesth de groth, morkulv, aspercrucio, lugburz, diabolic s✟orm, khladnovzor, eternal apathy, gartraada, mabthera, disinter 666,