molassess — similar artists: molassess, the devil´s blood, necros christos, darvaza, ondskapt, enevelde, issolei, the riven, funereal presence, death like mass, robot god, celestial bloodshed, selim lemouchi and his enemies, nautha, vorum, theriomorph, venenum, syning, children of the sün, jess and the ancient ones, mortuary drape, the night eternal, dead feathers, kathaaria, kêres, zemial, nagelfar, madmess, degial, king mountain, skythala, pagan altar (official), ritual death, lunar aurora, godsleep, onségen ensemble, scald (epic doom metal), ealdor bealu, volahn, wampyrinacht, whoredom rife, manii, wucan, thy darkened shade, jerky dirt, dark sonority, smokes of krakatau, fire down below, wederganger, swamp lantern, the lucid furs, veldune, teitanblood, black sites, knokkelklang, spacelord, umbra conscientia,