mists+of+serenity — similar artists: baptiste sejourne, Kama Lila Sol, frore & shane morris, jairamji, maneesh de moor, c roscoe, chronotope project, jennifer grais, umberloid, parallax-5, loren nerell & mark seelig, suspended memories, Ape Chimba, brian parnham, mark seelig, howard givens & craig padilla, byron metcalf, yonilinga, frore, kelly david, bóveda celeste, ivar lunde jr., thom brennan, forrest fang, howard givens, jairamji - charlie roscoe, hollan holmes, craig padilla & marvin allen, ryuzen, encapsulate, matia kalli, various artists compiled by bluetech, the many rivers ensemble, the hanuman project, bansara, Mose, john de kadt, Neuroq, musicians for sasha shulgin, desensitized, rachelw, phillip wilkerson & chris russell, jill haley, alio die | parallel worlds, madhavi devi, dashmesh, Erik Wøllo, the winterhouse, may vary, robert davies, max corbacho, Resueño, simon wilkinson, andreas kornevall, worlds within worlds, monk party, andrew lahiff,