michael+beach — similar artists: theee retail simps, spiritual mafia, true sons of thunder, brick head, feeling figures, phil & the tiles, itchy self, guardian singles, good looking son, michael beach, cuticles-major works lp, moody beaches, wireheads, the kiwi animal, display homes, the stabs, 208l containers, cannery records, model zero, richard papiercuts, Michael O., rot tv, permits, quality used cars, sachet, ibex clone, the sheaves, blues ambush, midnight mines, loose fit, alien nosejob, violent change, new berlin, more klementines, blank statements, david kenneth nance, spiral dub, children maybe later, rider/horse, thee artificial rejects, shovels, the gabys, goodbye boozy digital, huevos ii, non plus temps, shepparton airplane, gee tee vee, strapping fieldhands, power supply, p.p. rebel, common eider, king eider, moon rituals, belly jelly, winged wheel, hot tubs time machine, virvon varvon, skiftande enheter,