matted+grass — similar artists: bog of the infidel, spirit system, ships in the night, mauve angeles, sorry state records, reanimator records, pixvae, book of skelos, nightdogs, cochonne, lavender hex, black quantum futurism, the nervous ticks, sour widows, immer gavia, sex with a terrorist aka s.w.a.t., jon brion, peach gardens, dead cool, the virginia planes, mephisto halabi - مفيستو حلبي, mac demarco & shamir, warduke, feyleux, matted grass, glazyhaze, dream room, buck gooter, cold cream, broken nails, ukandanz, polar lows, t. g. shand, sleep overload, moon museum, color crush, japanese heart software, nossiennes, haxen, lemondaze, polymorphie, the beremy jets, powder pink & sweet, gordon koang, fitness womxn, wybercron, object hours, coming up roses, cathedral ceilings, abazagorath, angel metro, boy with apple, the churchhill garden, make light, strangers in my house, Fun With Ether, shoe shine six,