mala+vista — similar artists: mala vista, tommy and the commies, kool & the gang bangers, mr. teenage, sick bags, anxious pleasers, telephone lovers, angel face, carbonas, control freaks, the dirts, sore points, the schizophonics, personal damage, true sons of thunder, real losers, conmen, ravagers, evil tree, tenement rats, corner boys, the sleeveens, killer kin, the hex dispensers, les lullies, ingrates, theee retail simps, split system, the circulators, th' losin streaks, choncy, The Pacifics, holly beth vincent, gee tee vee, wyldlife, guerrilla teens, the lorrainas, kiss boom bah, the hazmats, bad mother, tv crime, itchy self, goodbye boozy digital, strange colours, authority abuse, virvon varvon, fdh records, rmblr, off yourself, landmine, thirty seconds deep, the heartbeeps, last in line, mystery girl, model zero, gun kata, zodiac panthers,