m1ch3l+p. — similar artists: the myth, phorecite black, b_mode, bloodpeak, mr. madness - koney - god complex, Carnage & Cluster, noizy bombs, d-fact, junkie digital, complex reality, eugeneshmelev, ghost grinder, shadow matrix, k-teck, indus3systems, syberius, dkorp, GODCOMPLEX, Psychoweapon, mirvcore, mykoz, industrial frequency, 3rdknd, donny x forbidden society x katharsys, Starving Insect, the 3eyed, splitt2nd, project4life, Defracture, oz1, m1ch3l p., nukem, Noisj, Sound Abuse, l/b recordings, stan grewzell, weisses rauschen, inqoherent, shatterling, Darkstep Implantant, tekkno kid, maza, Othercide Records, nekrolog1k recordings, therapysessionsrecordings, volian trains, Embrionyc, okrozhka, curze, autist, synthakt, razor edge, adamant scream, syd vischi, nothingverse, defiler, soulalive,