mélisande [électrotrad] — similar artists: mélisande [électrotrad], tom moore & archie moss, james delarre and saul rose, brown boots, assynt, band of burns, cohen braithwaite-kilcoyne, tannara, methera, teyr, rob harbron & emma reid, gretchen peters, eabhal, topette, jon wilks, koriass fouki, cara dillon, Patrick Wolf, yves lambert trio, mélisande [électrotrad] | millimetrik, alice allen, les chiens de ruelles, marit and rona, bryony griffith & alice jones, birdloom, will allen, salomé leclerc, jean-michel blais, tarren, thom ashworth, owen spafford & louis campbell, tamsin elliott, de temps antan, mawkin, plúirín na mban, le vent du nord, les louanges, mec lir, georgia shackleton, bella hardy, la prûche libre, halie loren, olivier rondeau, tommy gauthier, westward the light, from the ground, the restitution, albireo, andy may trio, le diable à cinq, an dannsa dub, the drystones, siskin quartet, patterson dipper, hudson records, the wilderness yet, fawn fritzen,