lovers+love+haters — similar artists: lovers love haters, vierance, ghostland, the whisper game, coctail twins, kōban, polyverso, deathday, dark gray houses, leave the planet, női kabát, monowelt, the shyness of strangers, neige noir, blablarism, flaamingos, weeknight, static daydream, transfigure, israel regardie, illustration sonore, die jungen, huir, failed flowers, candélabre, nagelfar, decades/failures, garçons coiffeurs, mumbly, luminance/acapulco city hunters, tiny fireflies, mooncreatures, the autumn sighs, The Harrow, human puppets, earth calling angela, grabbel and the final cut, terminal gods, new today, terror forms, Veil Of Light, non-lieu, apple orchard, minimal/analog, modemoderne, deutsche bank, electric voice records, cold beats records, schonwald vs a v g v s t, when nalda became punk, tommy o, luc stargazer, strucktura, night thoughts, october people, impersonate or die, L'Avenir,