bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

love+tractor — similar artists: cartoon theory, hibernal, stoned karma, anekdoten, rota fortunae, thieves' kitchen, they speaking canaries, brunt, vanha, anihila, glories, blackwater holylight, espers, l'albero del veleno, Draconian, thurnin, Moe Shop, stvannyr, devil electric, dianogah, tactyl, holy serpent, thee speaking canaries, kjellvandertonbruket, weedpecker, faith and the muse, ghosts of atlantis, don mcglashan, the crust brothers, defiatory, black lion records, northwind wolves, MYSTRAL, towards atlantis lights, an emerald city, autumn's grey solace, daemonicus, mother of graves, love tractor, ephemeral sun, jazzcomputer, noswal, treeboga, vesperian sorrow, legacy of emptiness, farsoth, divison vansinne, marrowfields, mordenial, ov lustra, carpatus, desert rider, j foley, sons ov omega, this ending, soulemission, maestitium,