lord+vigo — similar artists: lord vigo, possessed steel, old mother hell, sordid blade, blazon rite, knight & gallow, solitary sabred, Claymorean, adamantis, sintage, legendry, wrathblade, validor, ryghar, tower hill, runelord, mace'n'chain, lunar shadow, rocka rollas, mega colossus, mountain throne, skullview, scald (epic doom metal), starborn, moontowers, doomocracy, blazon stone, heart of cygnus, stygian crown, desolate realm, slough feg, ecclesia, iron griffin, grendel's sÿster, monasterium, northern crown, death the leveller, servants to the tide, ancient empire, crestfallen queen, skelator, savage blood, mirror of deception, grief collector, ravensire, knight's oath, king witch, the lamp of thoth, vendel, steel arctus, venenum, savage oath, skyryder, hitter, serpent rider, praise the sun, restless spirit,