bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

loobs — similar artists: wet lips, moody beaches, brick head, mollusc, lachlan r. dale, turtle skull, shrimpwitch, no sister, chelsea bleach, the pink tiles, eat-man, lazertits, Hearts and Rockets, the neuros, hexdebt, sora shima, mod vigil, loobs, suss cunts, girl crazy, piss factory, justin greaves, disco junk, art as catharsis, brat farrar, joseph rabjohns, 3rrrfm, blonde revolver, wreckless enterprise, ground patrol, otehi, hi-tec emotions, loose pills, godtet, serious beak, legless records, ute root, claire cross, display homes, burger chef, scratch match, phil & the tiles, jessica o'donoghue, party pest, garbage disposal union, listen records, loose fit, cable ties, rot tv, bitch diesel, junior fiction, bear the mammoth, kurushimi, Double Vanity, adrift for days, king cornelius and the silverbacks, crippled black phoenix,