le+indigo — similar artists: m. crook, oxherding, the phonometrician, sussex telecom, the ranch family band, Ingrown Records, sleep decade, lee hannah, folkadelphia, requin, keeskea, mf homeland band, channeling, azaleas, wireheads, torn & frayed, the neverending trio, corsica annex, human energy field, hayden karchmer, cosmic country revue, armlock, hannum, the modern folk/andrew weathers, palm era, psychedelic froth, bdsr, 3d realdoll beta, on diamond, the belair line band, eden shoulders, derek m poteat, ephemeral decay, endless haze, balloon animal farm, the modern folk, fisty kendal, hard action, lajoie, mudd corp, wrong signals, 'אביב גדג, lake mary, peter hoggarth, tim buckley, alapastel, [whitelabtapes], hassni malik, mt went, south city hardware, aloes, bong rodent, Ioka., sabriel's orb, bucko, hisself, tam vantage,