lander — similar artists: splintering lightning spear, cachot d'effroi, zwiespalt, eternity's nightfall, paradox' mysticism, bál, wergild, dune mear, danielle morbid, upamsu, kasturn, arazubak, giardino dei laghi, ergot de seigle, iron firmament, tatterdemalion, flameskull, potion mystique, keymage, lamentable, autumn's rapture, urban meditation, hexensorrt, arcane rites, viridescent funeral, pull the strings, strani orizzonti autoproduzioni, feu de saint antoine, reeking nightshade, vile in vehement, solemn imagist, architects of existence, divine apostle of the wolven church, mnajdra, the astral serpent, medwegya x siege golem, carpe sonum records, penance in blood, anorion, goddamn gringos, i see satan fall like lightning, dakhanavar, undĕrnæcht, psionic madness, black kruud, dvngeon kvlt, wenduag, sapientia diaboli, si matthews, blood sword, diminishing spirit, uamh, sulfurous presence, blood sorcery, fugitive wizard, solus grief, experiments in silence,