la+otracina — similar artists: wiser fool, lord montague, dryasdust, libido fuzz, magic jove, scaevola's fire, his masters voice - the devils blues, spiral shades, otehi, the dirty earth, ten cent pistols, stone cadaver, fungus hill, dire wolves absolutely perfect brothers band, the socks, the hyle, lunar grave, clan, gorgantherron, hollow mirrors, blackwater prophet, the archaic revival, the gypsy bangles, great rift, occult wisdom, soul thief, endless fire, doomicidal, axis/orbit, the gentlemen bastards, cult of sorrow, godhead lizard, fool magician, lizard queen, just exactly perfect sisters band, tastic, crumbling ghost, dwlvs, holy mount, the crimson trip, shellfin, necromandus, sonic mass, dire wolves just exactly perfect sisters band, blues funeral, val cale, cobra family picnic, sophie´s earthquake, tradish, blue black hours, jeffrey alexander - andrea belfi - stefano pilia, the heavy lidders, dolmenn, green asylum, forest of legend, black thai, black space riders,