kutkh — similar artists: zwiespalt, bál, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, skorbvstr, cachot d'effroi, forgotten heritage, goddamn gringos, kádmos, sapientia diaboli, mysterious castle, psionic madness, grotesque shades, msrblflr, spectral corruption, girtablullû, labyrinthine haze, undĕrnæcht, anorion, degredo, buer's rugiet, armnatt, out of the mouth of graves, blood sorcery, sum lights, kampen, lidelse, splintering lightning spear, Agos, não houve amanhecer, bihargam, ordo cultum serpentis, sarastus, salqiu, foothill roots, akrethion, amafufunyana, múspellsheimr, necrothytus, requiem of death, blood sword, giardino dei laghi, occelensbrigg, cxaxukluth, kade storm, pull the strings, blood temptation, strani orizzonti autoproduzioni, paisaunt, hajotos, thy sepulchral moon, icare, pale shroud, waldstille, i see satan fall like lightning, scum liquor, the ghouls of south carcosa, astral evocation,