bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

kneipgeist — similar artists: cthylla, klyvr, anonymous skull, forsaken kingdoms, goblin fort, longsword, old toby, coniferous myst, dragon spell, enchanted stone hammer, warped skull, morbærsanger, new west frequencies, equipped dagger, dragonkeep, hauntefaerie, pine knight, lycan castle, black kruud, compound bunker, nocturnal thirst, equipped dagger | oaken dagger, weregeld, northmoor, wandlimb, viridescent funeral, mournful lament, forced down, serpent's isle, dahulagiri, haunting figure, alpine acrobat, melancholic orb of night, einkehr, count valefar, piddlewink, autumn's rapture, katabasilisk, painful bloom, eardstapa, serpent of death, nocturnal effigy, wahlwyrt, wayward shrine, battle chamber, ancient iron, the prowler, current signal, hringboga, gulguhk, rotgut god, dusklight, reeking nightshade, pvmkyn mage, c. moretti, skrawl, cathedrals in the night,