king alfred, man of leisure — similar artists: blank statements, private anarchy, the garbage and the flowers, jj ulius, the kiwi animal, the garbage, violent change, thistle group, children maybe later, xv, the gabys, rrr band, midnight mines, shop regulars, lime crush, cuticles-major works lp, king alfred, man of leisure, plastic ep, pious faults, skiftande enheter, added dimensions, slugfuckers, cleta patra records, blue dolphin, blowdryer, long odds, debt rag, the records, non plus temps, smelly feet, glen schenau, paperniks, alex macfarlane, violin sect, hash redactor, brick brick, friendly boyfriend, brick head, famous mammals, meat thump, conditioner disco group, Michael O., the sheaves, strapping fieldhands, water wing records, table sugar, bill direen/bilders, private sorrow, the scums, the peacetime consumers, bona dish, feeling figures, the rangoons, deep & meaningful, 番⻑ taste, mikey young, cannery records,