karnivore — similar artists: temple of dread, toxic carnage, creeping flesh, the bleeding, testimony records, tumulation, exalter, demonbreed, sahon, south korea, serpent rider, angelblast, vincent crowley, bastard grave, darkened, hellraizerr, deathblow, nightbearer, amorbital, phantom fire, gods forsaken, shards of humanity, untimely demise, blessed curse, house by the cemetary, burial vault, kever, puteraeon, grevlar, deathsiege, abythic, phenocryst, concubia nocte, Obscenity, dungeon crawl, machinations of fate, toxaemia, necrokinesis, forced neglect, pale king, siderean, typhonian, crypts of despair, defy the curse, megaslaughter, carnal tomb, abysmalist, static abyss, rebaelliun, GRISLY, overtorture, megascavenger, bak de syv fjell, speedkiller, vadiat, holocausto war metal, horrisonous,