juliet+quick — similar artists: natalie jane hill, afterlands, juliet quick, the gn band, june mcdoom, jessica boudreaux, gordon mcintyre, no kill, Father/Daughter Records, drew citron, katie bejsiuk, sea lemon, alina hardin, elanor moss, caitlin pasko, true blossom, jenny moore, sdf, floating room, maple glider, maita, bas jan, herbert powell, Alliyah Enyo, delifinger, common holly, kiszes, susan bear, whitney ballen, A.O. Gerber, harkin, bethany cosentino, 22o halo, grasscourt, molly linen, kinbote, madeline kenney, savage mansion, pom pom squad, shred city presents, koppies, nikolas escudero, the o'pears, maranta, Amy May Ellis, katy kirby, Pictish Trail, a.r. pinewood, callum easter, lauren helene green, sweet dreams nadine, firestations, alicia clara, victoria hume, mina tindle, clémentine march, martha ffion,