jules+straw — similar artists: sinestar, tenek, flip martian, tin gun, agency-v, jules straw, john costello, unknown land, jonteknik/malte steiner, various artists: attrition, my mercurial drive, Plike, revival synth, vile electrodes, jonteknik, heliophile, foreign technology, rrussell bell's like-a-human, ieuropean, blaklight, generation blitz 3 - extended, dramatis, stephen newton, izzie voodoo, carol hodge, roofy, teslacoil321, Pinklogik, rocket report, mark littlemore, eurasianeyes, tiny magnetic pets, metroland, Meter Bridge, paul humphries, swedish electro scene, blackcarburning, mark bebb, strobegirl, the danse society, 808 dot pop, neuroactive, elektroklänge, nature of wires ft stephen newton, sombre moon, imogen bebb, geoff pinckney, bluebottle kiss, democratize, frohm, Parralox, stephen newton/glyda, wire&wasteland, vogon poetry, isotherme, vh x rr, The Sweetest Condition,