jon+hopkins — similar artists: 2350 broadway, dreamfish, shades of orion, Jon Hopkins, false noise, stone giants, Ochre, v/a - curated by mahiane, Amon Tobin, les siècle, françois xavier-roth, v/a - mixed by focal, christopher leary, adam wiltzie, clockvice, high skies, russ brooker, mathematics, Late Night Tales, elve, misleading structures, tipper, benn jordan, Hotel Neon, henree, shnek, Max & Harvey, Ocoeur, solar fields, A Winged Victory for the Sullen, blackhill transmitter, christoph berg, Stellardrone, v/a - framed by nova, slag boom van loon, rival consoles, v/a - compiled by ambientium, kiasmos, Ben Lukas Boysen, namlook • montanà , field rotation, global communication, Roel Funcken, Another Fine Day, 62 eulengasse, barratt, Hiten, mc conrad, total science presents, v/a - collected by mizoo, omni vu deity, Röyksopp, robclouth, before & after silence recordings, v/a - selected by fishimself, Inspected, flukeluke,