jeremy+young+with+julia+kent — similar artists: sea trials, audio gourmet netlabel, [whitelabtapes], ibreathefur, carl sagan's ghost, honoré feraille, alvari lume, coldstream, deep into perspectives, Alex Tiuniaev, lexithimie, paper relics, wbaum, jukka vakkinen-kannonen, vincent kühner, strom noir/spheruleus, colbets, daliah, La petite vague, russell glynn, david kolhne, jeremy young with julia kent, black elk (duet) x konntinent, ludmila, ed cooke, eilean rec., dauw, the restless fields, dziadosz/mreńca, hessien, fragilefield, duet_, whitelabrecs, entia non, michael trommer, alex durlak, vau, black elk, monogoto, koen park, a home for ghosts, spheruleus, tiny isles, savaran, tessellate recordings, themuru, oh no nuno!, covarino/incorvaia, finn kelvin, slow heart music, ghosts in the alleys, spring quintet, emmanuel witzthum, matthew sage, stijn hüwels/norihito suda, modular sleep patterns, apocomeno,