james+harper — similar artists: james harper, james t. harper, jim tig parker, twig harper, toiletman, garbage man, james duncan mackenzie, from the ground, eabhal, assynt, barf thoth, project smok, steve llama, blows, duncan lyall, gnoss, old blind dogs, mirror ii rorrim, waste ground, pain computer, dàimh, connelly, eliza and parry, nohere man, sick llama, steven byrnes, the subtraction, crafts building, colorguard, tannara, the nevari butchers, tile cassette, demoon skirt, the nath family, j.soliday, ali levack, westward the light, staran, xtal fsck, fag tapes / antartica, ross ainslie, hamish & fin moore, brighde chaimbeul, ross and ali, david foley & jack smedley, heath moerland, early routines, gillian frame, tony lugo, alice allen, every ear in the world, john mulhearn, full meat jacket, jason soliday, soul carvers, jenn butterworth, ali hutton,