inquisitor — similar artists: vorum, kever, purtenance, necros christos, horrisonous, slutvomit, degial, rites of thy degringolade, rottrevore, rebaelliun, temple of dread, angelcorpse, adramelech, hypnosia, hellbringer, blood feast, putrevore, nocturnal graves, inverloch, ensnared, soulskinner, frightmare, invincible force, rattenfänger, détente,, chaos inception, funerus, sarcofago, decrepitaph, necrophiliac, denouncement pyre, antiversum, ravencult, predatoria, demontage, desecresy, the ominous circle, gospel of the horns, urn - official, venenum, children of technology, eternal dirge, abythic, alghazanth, primal cult, irkallian oracle, Exumer, abominator, zemial, creeping flesh, nexul, Possession, necrosanct, hexeth, vasaeleth, serpent ascending, miasmal,