bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

injekting+khaos — similar artists: kever, terrestrial hospice, wrathblade, scald (epic doom metal), ignis haereticum, walpurgia, oreamnos, indesinence, profetus, gilded lily, primal cult, disfuneral, astral blood, ljosazabojstwa, coldfells, necromaniac, wampyrinacht, the crevices below, timeghoul, binah, dishönor, silent thunder, mefitic, titaan, empire of the moon, hierophant's descent, rites of thy degringolade, vorum, ellorsith/mannveira, blodsgard, slutvomit, eschatology, vasaeleth, gravecode nebula, serpents athirst, antiversum, haemoth, vomit ritual, pale chalice, blood ouroboros, katavasia, horrisonous, vyrju, mutilation rites, vetter, into darkness (italy), dhwesha, caedes cruenta, nexul, tempestuous fall, pillars of crucifixion, waal, verbum verus, invincible force, crurifragium, ritual necromancy, black blood invocation,