imminent+destruction+records — similar artists: blazing eye, vivisected numbskulls, lebenden toten, hounds of war, kriegshög, low ebb, nervous ss, kohti tuhoa, savageheads, dethfox, destripados, larma, kromosom, 偏執症者 (paranoid), parasytes, kontatto, misanthropic minds, rat cage, personal damage, blood ties, skullnbone, nailbomb, idiota civilizzato, invertebrates, wartorn, violent christians, zygome, the diskonected, mock execution, skiplickers, orden mundial, kinetic orbital strike, warfear, ekebuba, scalple, möwer, sore throat, rotten love, detergents, kontaminate, dislies, neverending mind war, clean shirts, military shadow, rashōmon, jag out!, snäggletooth, sexface, sludgelord, tarantula, suck lords, Omega S, rataa, ultrarat - ratcage, yleiset syyt, absolut, stalled minds,