if+i+could+kill+myself — similar artists: if i could kill myself, my purest heart for you, sleeping peonies, lidelse, inexistenz, wending tide, d'un autre temps, withered grey, autumn laments, thy sepulchral moon, transcending rites, triste tage, ocerco, i'm in a coffin, fortress of the olden days, aprilmist, willoos, freitod zeremonie, my useless life, winter willow, sapaudia, lebensnacht, misertus, abysmal chaos, scum liquor, svadilfare, melankoli, wounds of recollection, zakaz, wampyric bloodlust, woods of infinity, yn gizarm, traurigkeit, vaar, varulv, isleptonthemoon, vizir, a diadem of dead stars, woewarden, celestial conjuration, only smile, degredo, akrethion, unjoy, grief/loss, goatchrist, nostalgic darkness, occelensbrigg, nullingroots, avoid the light, armnatt, trauer, no life's worth, wintercult, mjältsjuka, potemtum and solitude, defixiones,