human+impact — similar artists: human impact, the ghost is clear records, meditations in affinity, rid of me, wylde ratttz, eye flys, unsane, tgic recs, the austerity program, young widows, loud as giants, infinity land, partaker, fight amp, season to risk, baratro, easy prey, christ on parade, Helms Alee, cash in, laurium, multicult, red hare, went white, this white light, crystal fairy, six finger satellite, the cutthroats 9, foreign theaters, faith no more, pale sketcher, rotten sound, ekumen - heel turn, couch lock, j. robbins, desert records, tetema, miltown, EASY ACTION, bitter branches, today is the day, cherubs, retox, leeched, shadow snakes, green magnet school, dale crover, the afghan whigs, mast year, big water, circle jerks, crime & the city solution, glowing brain, pressed, mouthing, remain sedate, space streakings,