hull. — similar artists: hull, grimcvlt, hot fog, black black black, second grave, wizard union, these beasts, the ditch and the delta, maeth, ape cave, nebula drag, olde growth, serial hawk, turbid north, mausolei, wise blood records, wretched of the earth, sonic mass, gcbt records, catapult the dead, dryasdust, doomicidal, ten cent pistols, the munsens, riff fist, the next hundred years, blackwater prophet, traitors return to earth, gold and silver, shellfin, bible black tyrant, black thai, sea of bones, spirit division, pendasfen, minsk, take over and destroy, blue black hours, serpent's isle, clamfight, norska, vermörd, eternal khan, sorxe, gorgantherron, lord montague, wiser fool, watertank, verminous scum, timesnake, sorcia, sacrificial slaughter, godhead lizard, stonebride, red mesa, nheap, stone cadaver,