hivesmasher — similar artists: hivesmasher, gcbt records, circle of dead children, crowpath, organ dealer, kill the client, the partisan turbine, maruta, shock withdrawal, agents of abhorrence, underling, backstabbers inc., die choking, iconic vivisect, narakah, world i hate, rotten sound, priapus, retortion terror, retortion terror [split], secret cutter, yatsu, plague widow, flourishing, blockheads (fr), code error, stagnater, brain famine, bastard feast, fulgora, the red chord, beasters, dead instrument, unmothered, monnier, creation is crucifixion, necrotic liquefaction, cognizant, black harvest, a389-104, knelt rote, kataplexis, bhavachakra, serpent of gnosis, 908, wretched fuck, antigama, seven daily sins, SEAL TEAM 666, carnivora, malignant mist, in her rotten cheek, horrible earth, james doesn't exist, wvrm, living void, oscillation overthruster,