herfstdood — similar artists: herfstdood, zwiespalt, black pyre, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, salqiu, anguana, trébuchet sdg, dispar, within thy wounds, righteous wrath, solus grief, søker tilflukt, troparion, kärv, sadness/unreqvited, bál, marble tomb, the slave eye, turpitude, forevercold, daygraves, vuosisata, podvizhnik, apostisy, argwaan, transcending rites, morwinyon, bræ, petrale, akrethion, epiphanie, toreva, aūkels, ascend towards the moon, aerdryk, windark, blood thirsty, arcane rites, eerie heir, renascent, gaktungar, hedenskfrid, crimson moonlight, out of the mouth of graves, melech, nimetön hauta, uzlaga, psionic madness, dark east productions, skald in veum, spätregen, cosmic forest, sorrowful life, givre, goddamn gringos, crowned in sorrow, pull the strings,