head+of+the+demon — similar artists: head of the demon, vorum, invincible force, kever, necros christos, antiversum, ensnared, horrisonous, rites of thy degringolade, enevelde, reverence to paroxysm, teitanblood, ancestors blood, mortuary drape, funereal presence, ljosazabojstwa, murw, the deathtrip, dire omen, blood ouroboros, mefitis, gospel of the horns, necromaniac, cultes des ghoules (official), concilivm, khthoniik cerviiks, bestial raids, predatory light, beastiality, slutvomit, temisto, ellorsith/mannveira, degial, denouncement pyre, doombringer, the lone madman, qayin regis, apologoethia, binah, occultation, venenum, grafvitnir, throaat, gestalte, ominous resurrection, moss upon the skull, vircolac, voodus, blizaro, abysmalist, nocturnes mist, nar mattaru, serpent ascending, lunar mantra, reveal, phobocosm, nocturnal graves,