hard+rock — similar artists: junior brown, papa stone, DubVision, strangejah cole, abakush, delroy pinnock, dickey dread, mikey ranks, hornin' all star, dexter mckintyre, the mighty threes, ruff stereo records, countryman, lion roering, maija, twin roots, skari, Kibir La Amlak, mighty oak records, paulette pearce, messenger douglas, dill smith, twoplusone, loïc paulin, Horus Records, i jah salomon, serious sam, Wes Brooks, Fullvibes, zabandis, high times players, tony ford, messenjah movement records, ranking tiger, ronnie davis, robert mystick, Hardrock, moa anbessa, power dread, Monyaka, tiqur anbessa, brother glen, naggo morris, joe yorke & stand high patrol, dawtas of aya, the creation steppers, ras zehm, carl bert, humble lion, channel one soundsystem, rickey messenger, leroy sibbles, midnight riders, tiberias towa, lone ark meets the 18th parallel, carlene davis, rupie edwards,