hammers+of+misfortune — similar artists: hammers of misfortune, slough feg, vhol, mortuary drape, arch / matheos, vorum, necros christos, wrathblade, eternity's end, psychotic waltz, iron griffin, ved buens ende, locust leaves, funereal presence, twisted tower dire, sacred outcry, vultures vengeance, vasaeleth, rottrevore, crescent shield, the chasm, mefitis, nagelfar, madder mortem, man's gin, angelcorpse, soilwork, trial (swe), cauldron born, illegal bodies, Kreator, kvist, impaled nazarene, vexovoid, Satyricon, Candlemass, mithras, mekong delta, eucharist, in solitude, blind guardian, stone healer, lör, dodheimsgard, in the woods..., ravensire, hail spirit noir, necromantia, ludicra, lunar shadow, proscriptor mcgovern’s apsû, possessed steel, ares kingdom, lord vigo, zemial, legendry, venenum,