bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

green+mantis — similar artists: green mantis, war ripper, venomwolf, hellraizerr, forced neglect, wraith/black knife/graveripper/unholy night, the lousy, bastard cröss, kömmand, viölence, annihilation process, black uniforms, cruel bomb, d-sagawa, taskforce toxicator, necrokinesis, military shadow, night fighter, speedpvssy, exalter, mental slavery, hellsword, bloodkill, bunker 66, liar's tongue, unholy night, nagasaki sunrise, toxic carnage, burning leather, bastardizer, terrörhammer, terror activator, reactory, plague dogs, tiger junkies, black knife, project pain, chemicide, rancorous, untimely demise, devastruction, ultimate power corrupts, kazmer, world decay, suppressive fire, metachrist, nuclear revenge, morbid cross, nocturnal witch, refore, deathblow, sarcator, ahvawe, riffobia, division speed, the bleeding, ewïg frost,