glord+records — similar artists: miss the stars, broken little sister, chestnut bakery, etheraldine, MINIONTV, lucid express, if anything happens to the cat, alison's halo, prepare my glider, mus.hiba, three days from retirement, maskros - kaji - astrid - this too will pass - a city sorrow built, flowersxofxcarnage, numenorean, relay tapes, 4vesta, all under heaven, the arrival note, hatsune kaidan, holy figures, peach gardens, hong kong in the 60s, nightbitch, downt, death of heather, go with strangers, the summer triangle, sadness/an ocean of light/urantia/the depressick/last man's breath/vorágine, moisturizer, mota tears, nossiennes, raymonde howard, a paramount, jan morgenson, marjory stewart-baxter, glixen, shoe shine six, raining, lyrae, manic sheep, au bout mes levres, sto cosi cosi, atmos bloom, au bout des mes lèvres, Megumi Acorda, prune deer, color crush, chiming, polar lows, nayru, apostle of eris, alles brennt, g.lolli, lavender blush, fers, ken burns, lessener,