glare+of+the+sun — similar artists: glare of the sun, exgenesis, the holeum, urnscent, lebensnacht, northern crown, shattered hope, void of sleep, décembre noir, omnivortex, maladie, profetus, october tide, erancnoir, the drowning, lascaille's shroud, gospelheim, king apathy (former thränenkind), thenighttimeproject, grief collector, sun of the dying, cursebinder, DecembreNoir, svadilfare, jarun, monads, idol of fear, atlases, the ember, the ash, varaha, loneshore, great cold emptiness, bull elephant, eclipser, hanging garden, adora vivos, gloson, rome in monochrome, horizon ablaze, altari, herder, inexistenz, monasterium, lucian the wolfbearer, alkymist, wells valley, ylva de lune, ars onirica, crimson swan, praise the plague, varulv, embrace of disharmony, ophiuchi, collapse of light, wending tide, defixiones, gandreid,