gates+of+mourning — similar artists: aldaaron, pillars of crucifixion, black pyre, baring teeth, steingrab, geistaz'ika, astrophobos, imperceptum, bane [serbia], the monolith deathcult official, leipa, aihos, master's call, pyrithe, stonebirds, order ov riven cathedrals, flesh of the stars, psygnosis, gates of mourning, Draconian, traumatic voyage, zakaz, qwälen, coffin nail, Dark Space, sarvekas, ft-17, impious throne, king bong, tenhi, svältvinter, 0-nun, negativa, mithridatum, holy mount, thulcandra, aegrus, serpents oath, zwiespalt, endless disease, armnatt, degredo, hån, light dweller, turn me on dead man, msrblflr, infera bruo, transcending rites, pneuma hagion, blattaria, occelensbrigg, die like gentlemen, teufelsberg, wilderness of mirrors, thy sepulchral moon, sarastus, estuarine,