gates+of+ishtar — similar artists: ghosts of atlantis, northwind wolves, black lion records, vanha, defiatory, bhleg, sarvekas, aldaaron, meadows end, carach angren, daemonicus, farsoth, Summoning, evilfeast, vesperian sorrow, enevelde, scald (epic doom metal), legacy of emptiness, ov lustra, mordenial, eternal alchemist, this ending, marrowfields, bane [serbia], carpatus, divison vansinne, sons ov omega, baptism, ondfødt, totengeflüster, maestitium, soulemission, depressed, panphage, blazon stone, kvist, ablaze my sorrow, inherit disease, alterbeast, nemesium, rf force, nazrak, seminal embalmment, credic, kull, wormlight, cryptic enslavement, euphoreon, dråpsnatt, fedrespor, gnipahålan, geistlicht, blodtår, codex mortis, suotana, varde, souldrainer,