fortress of the olden days/wintaar — similar artists: nordligblast, death prayer records, bmokatak, blodpest, fortress of the olden days/wintaar, nattravn, lathliss, glorificated genocide, atra mors/torver, ulvkult, abigail/inferno requiem, nazrak, human serpent/isolert, thy dying light, lunaar, självtortyr, mal du siècle, NKVD, Ulven, velo misere, heathen deity, inferno requiem, blosse, sadisme, ages of blood, asgrauw, autokrator, Nyctophilia, atra mors, gravkväde, witchbones, wintaar, wampyric rites, Vegard, panzerwar, ahpn records, revenant marquis, somme, sarg, trench warfare, lunatii, czarnobog, vintlechkeit, Akasha, abduction, human serpent, insanity cult/isolert, glaramara, nefarious dusk, skiddaw, zakaz, wulfhere productions, amputation, torver, atra mors | k'vor, isolert, ursinne,