bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

formaldehydra — similar artists: platonoff, british misery, fjshwjfe, prd, jettenbach, stolen light, i_like_dog_face, wnw, ffi digital, cays, xah, mouth mouth, Dragon & Jettenbach, into the thicket, jackie ransom, burnt hair, sorrowkillsyouth, the detergents, angel inertia, narishkeit, elsinores, the mold, mon cul, er_ka, v v a s e, wargound/hithaeglir, sense of self, ativ, mariela rossi, noise hangover, cold medicine, the sister hook, audible masticators, sfv, poisonous cure, shallower, algae guck, fail, j3m5, BMH, hendekagon, von nacht, funeral door, mademoiselle marchand, fishwife, signalstoerung, baptizer, ars phoenix, maruda, Craw$e, decades/failures, the deep bleed, jon watkins, mother juno, wxr_jr, disconsolate, utopia brigade,