bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

foothill+roots — similar artists: foothill roots, d'un autre temps, melankoli, striges, vinterkult, værbitt, gravsatt, fortress of the olden days, zakaz, lidelse, woeful silence, emmeleia, morari, nordgeist, trauer, morteminence, non est deus, erancnoir, symbol of domination prod., nostalgic darkness, salqiu, buer's rugiet, wending tide, ovnev, svadilfare, ancestors blood, exitium sui, grimmdistribution, etheraldine, blurr thrower, kádmos, endlichkeit, heaume mortal, forelunar, mysterious castle, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, freitod zeremonie, inner suffering, aukoutloth, avoid the light, those opposed records, malebranche, 哀豔 ai yan, wintaar, gaoth, einsamtod, colorless forest, lebensnacht, kavallerie, 0-nun, unjoy, chaoscraft, skogsfrid, goatchrist, pyre of ash, trou noir, inexistenz,