fetal+deformity. — similar artists: cock and ball torture, noxious gash, fake meat, bloat, colonic pseudopolyps, wormosis, anal airbag, gorenoise sucks, nxcxsx, grinding meatogenic catharsis, hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomies, rectal smegma/ cliteater, hgp records, diet coke, viscera infest, bong full of cunt juice, crack addict babies, peter's ripped anus, freshxlitter, epiploenterocele pusliquid wormchunk, 666ghb420, cxd, fxoxmx, axsx, angioplasty, fxax, axcx20, gangrenous cholecystitis, anal bacteria, water bottle bong,, putrid stu, stagnant fish piss, morgue tar, fungal takeover, weedeous mincer, hyperemesis, blud zombi, confuse, the x-philes, shellys traumatic anal revenge with a rusty spoon, torsofuck, 強制アナルセックス, regurgitate, gastric cryptosporidium, cum hold sessions, sssssssss, bxtxbxoxjx, gynecomastia hypertrophy elephantiasis, epidermodysplasia verruciformis, txpxfx, xpxaxsxtxax, wormosis/steaming mound of human tissue/k9 hemorrhoids/stercoraceous copremesis rhinorrhea, lipoma, barbaric inhumanity, slop fountain, richard cranium, cwitajod,