femacoffin — similar artists: femacoffin, lebenden toten, zygome, after the bombs, warkrusher, d-sagawa, nocturnal scum, the lousy, terminal filth, deviated instinct, barren soil, war ripper, blazing eye, kriegshög, nuclear death terror, jesus fucking christ, genogeist, napalm raid, appalachian terror unit, occultist, kohti tuhoa, kazmer, ahna, 偏執症者 (paranoid), terminal conquest, whorehouse of representatives, st 009, instinct of survival, swordwielder, axegrinder, skullnbone, low ebb, storm of sedition, extinctexist, trenchgrinder, crucified class, dethfox, ursut, cimiterium, scolex, kinetic orbital strike, wretched of the earth, parasytes, 暴力装置, dishönor, vivisected numbskulls, ultrarat, dödläge, alement, dislies, vastation, the diskonected, rigorous institution, death evocation, snäggletooth, hounds of war, immortal war,