faux+fawn — similar artists: faux fawn, paul otteson, jay william henderson, dave gerard & the watchmen, the lake poets, vio/miré, in gowan ring, dillon warnek, michael rank and stag, jeffrey martin and anna tivel, michael rank, nev clay, the fiction aisle, levi weaver, john donne, john statz, wired to follow, lily & madeleine, swim camp, year of the buffalo, wesley hartley and the traveling trees, grabbel and the final cut, dakota hall scott, jim dead, wise children, cyra morgan, Bent Muffbanger, sarah coponat, king of the tramps, todd partridge solo, tuxis giant, cape snow, devils elbow, Bring The Mourning On, rufus beer, danny whitecotton, jesse daniel smith, anna vogelzang, the disappointed skeptics club, captain vulpine!, vio/mire, the eargoggle, the foil swans, candy maps, matthew fowler, nilöwh., mythmakers, cat meat, Phoenix Mundy, the sea life, jimmy lafave, jeff crosby, paul stewart, grapes of grain, porchsleeper, count this penny, twin brother,