fatrace — similar artists: jungle green//atlantic city melodies, the unlovables, grath madden, ed banky's car, the sheckies, robot bachelor, after school special, the steinways, sir jungle green, the knights of joliet, the coolies, gene green, edward wi-fi password, andy smith, so many bands!!!, atlantic city melodies, mike tv, sweatpants party, jonathan richman, pickled dick, massoneria ramonica, brent's t.v., horror section, eatenbacktolife, the gizmos, jungle green, varsity weirdos, house boat, the varsity weirdos, pavid vermin, kobanes, bloated kat records, Andrew Smith, the dopamines, punk rock raduno, the turkletons, jagger holly, the haddonfields, skinny genes, rational anthem, radiant radish, the putz, teenage woman, mom’s basement records, flanders72, the gungans, the popsters, hey pizza! records, the grandprixx, barrakuda mcmurder, lipstick homicide, science police, the maxies, the lemonaids, the riptides, the zapoy!, the koopas,