ezra+cohen — similar artists: adult magic, Notches, tightwire, nobodys, attic salt, kitner, bloated kat records, reconciler, franklin bruno, medictation, jared hart, debt neglector, the sad tomorrows, the penske file, heart & lung, timeshares, method of doubt, the afterglows, sailor down, relief map records, garrett dale, the ambulars, laika's orbit, deforesters, the all brights, radioactivity, freezing cold, weird skin, lost in society, former member, jean claude jam band, dog date, rational anthem, static radio, KIDYOUNOT, roger harvey, the punchlines, the color, ezra cohen, red city radio, explosivo!, static radio nj, over stars, petty larcenists, hospital job, heavy lag, brendan kelly, jabber/science police, broadway calls, gutters, jenny genius, loose behaviour, kitty kat fan club, rule them all, like bats, all away lou, somerset thrower,