evel+knievel+rice β similar artists: savage beliefs, articles of faith, evel knievel rice, negative element, protagonists, bored youth, banned: from chicago, neo matisse, c. memi, rights of the accused, tohc83, evil i, artificial peace, silver abuse, diastereomer, personal damage, the landlords, γγγγ₯, pipyu, ε
, kyosanto, cexcrime, itchy self, anxious pleasers, γγ³γ‘γ«, monoshock, supreme echo, pious faults, the contents are, puke spit & guts, dendΓΆ marionette, necro heads, necros, exxxon, blatant dissent, insane urge, suck lords, bad anxiety, trial by fire, in-valid, 106, youth regiment, chronic sick, kyoufu shinbun, ζζζ°θ, strapping fieldhands, speed plans, vivisected numbskulls, motor corp, invertebrates, sick head, jj and the a's, imploders, acid casualties, stunted youth, hounds of war, plastic ep,